Types of Audio Recordings

audio enhancement for anything, you need to hear

Sound recording with a hidden device

When you need to record a conversation you’re having with someone, but don’t want to be obvious, these covert listening devices are perfect for meetings, conferences, phone calls and more. Some listening devices have built in sound amplifiers that allow you to hear voices or nature sounds from up to 900 feet away, yet sound crisp and so close you would think they are standing right next to you. Capture your personal conversations for later playback that gives undeniable, concrete proof with one of the small listening devices. One of the first additional features that appeared in mobile phones was the function of a voice recorder. 



isolate voices

On modern devices, voice recorders are still present, already in the form of separate applications. Many manufacturers build such software into the firmware, but no one forbids the use of third-party solutions. Especially if you want to hide the fact of recording. A lot will depend on what device you choose to hide and where you place the device. If you record too much noise along the dialogue, you might have a hard time to isolate voices and clean up audio recording. Get in touch for audio enhancement services, will help you remove noise from recording. 


clean up audio recording

Smartphone sound recording

For a majority of content creators, the smartphone is their only device to capture video and still images. Thankfully, the cameras inside our iPhones and Android devices don’t slouch when it comes to quality. But when it comes to the audio quality that our phones can record, there’s a lot of room for improvement. One of the biggest weaknesses of smartphones is that their microphone is omnidirectional, which refers to the sensitivity or polar pattern of the mic.

An omnidirectional pattern picks up sound from all sides, so there’s little control over what audio the phone records. Compare that to a shotgun microphone that has a cardioid pattern, which has a more directional pattern and rejects any sound that’s coming from behind. So out of the box, your smartphone is already at a disadvantage. You will often need to clean up audio recording and isolate voice, after recording with a phone. However, there are several ways to improve the audio that your smartphone records, so you won’t need to remove noise from recording as much. Dialogue enhancement

Surveillance camera audio

Customers looking for to have an audio function in their security cameras may run into any number of issues that cause poor sound quality in their video footage. While not all may have the function, it is critically important that it works when present. Most common problems are with Wired cameras and CCTV microphones, Internet protocol cameras and Wi-Fi and wireless cameras. Dialogue enhancement is often needed for audio recorded with surveillance cameras.

Check out the best models, that feature audio capabilities. 

dialogue enhancement